The Area of Employment in the Institute for Economic Promotion of Talavera, IPETA offers users our JOB AGENCY. Here, you will find the best tools to look for stable and quality jobs, both for those unemployed, or those who want to improve their jobs.
To get into this JOB AGENCY, you need to fill in the following FORM and attach your Resumé:
Through its Job Agency, the Institute for Economic Promotion of Talavera, IPETA offers companies and job seekers a JOB-MATCHING service. Its purpose is to collaborate with entrepreneurs in selecting candidates to fill their job vacancies, and, at the same time, to offer those looking for a job, new opportunities to enter the job market.
A qualified technical team will help them look for workers, according to each company’s specific requirements.
Several suitable candidates are provided, tailored to their needs and giving them the chance to choose the candidate that best suits their requirements.
It does not cost businesses any money.
The selection process adapts to each company’s needs:
Companies will get candidates with the appropriate profile for the requested position.
Upon request, we provide rooms where a job interview can be held.
One of the priorities of the Institute for Economic Promotion of Talavera, IPETA, is creating business activity. This is why we offer entrepreneurs a completely free service, aimed to inform and advise them on aspects related to starting a business, as well as providing referrals to other entities/organizations that will guide them when creating their company.
Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Avenida de Pio XII, 37. “Ancient Prado School” building
Telephone: 925 82 36 24
Unfortunately, it is possible that, at some time, a company or individual may post a job in our Job Listing with fraudulent intentions. This action is in violation of this website’s terms of use and may be legally reported.
The terms of use established by the OAL IPETA release this Agency from any liability with respect to information published by companies, or publicly provided by candidates in our Job Listing. Therefore, anyone providing data in our website accepts the above conditions.
In any event, if our technicians detect any fraudulent attempt in a job offer, they will act as quickly as possible to withdraw the offer and warn the advertiser: this includes the ability to delete the advertisement, ban his/her access to the database and every ad publishing tool, as well as taking appropriate legal actions.
To avoid being a victim of fraudulent activity we advise you to follow the following recommendations:
Although these are just some precautions, sometimes it’s not enough, so you should be cautious when dealing with third parties. If you believe you have been the victim of fraudulent activity from an advertising company from our Job Posting section, please inform us and report it to the authorities to start an investigation.
JOB OFFERS are published through a service that collects and disseminates every offer that can be found in public access media, providing an easy way to check on available offers for those unemployed or any other.
The Institute for Economic Promotion of Talavera, IPETA acts as a provider of a communication service, and cannot be held responsible for the subsequent treatment of such offers by the respective advertising companies, nor for the results of subsequent selection processes, if any.
The aim of this section is to provide every business with a job posting service.
Those interested should fill out the following FORM to enter the offer’s details.
Once sent, the Institute for Economic Promotion of Talavera, IPETA, will validate it, so it can later be published in the Job offers section.
La solicitud contiene datos de carácter personal que formarán parte de un fichero de titularidad del Servicio de Orientación e Inserción laboral municipales y autorizo a dicho titular a tratarlos automatizadamente con la única finalidad de gestionar funciones derivadas del motivo de la solicitud. Conforme a la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de carácter personal. Podrá ejercer el derecho al acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición.
Se trata de un compromiso que plantea con 17 objetivos claves de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), una apuesta tangible y hoja de ruta que para el mundo entero pueda conseguir en el año 2030 la igualdad entre las personas, proteger el planeta y asegurar la prosperidad; en líneas generales, un nuevo contrato social global que no deje a nadie atrás.
Se trata de un esfuerzo sin precedentes en el que todos y todas podemos aportar, desde gobiernos y sectores privados, hasta personas naturales y sociedad civil. A cumplir con los objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible se suma el Gobierno de España desde su génesis, planteando así, un mapa de acción al cual ha respondido Talavera de la reina desde diversos proyectos que adelanta su administración.
Los objetivos de la Agenda 2030 engloban 169 metas recogidas en estos 17 objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, expuestas también el el proyecto Alianza por el Desarrollo Sostenible presentado por el Ayuntamiento de Talavera.
Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias, promueve el fomento y la defensa de la autonomía de las Entidades Locales ante otras administraciones públicas. El desarrollo del principio de Solidaridad junto con la gestión de programas de Gobierno destinados al ámbito local, son esfuerzos que se traducen en la prestación de toda clase de servicios a las Entidades Locales.
La Alcaldesa de Talavera de la Reina, Tita García Élez, ha asumido el reto de ejercer como Presidenta de FEMP CLM desde el pasado Septiembre de 2019, cargo que asume como un logro de toda Talavera y que suma una fuerte cuota para que el municipalismo tenga las soluciones que necesita para enfrentar sus desafíos y retos.
Hemos recibido tu petición correctamente.
A través de este sencillo formulario solo las 𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗮𝘀, 𝗽𝘆𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝘆 𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘀 pueden ponerse en contacto con el Instituto de Promoción Económica para solicitar una cita. Una vez recibamos tus datos nos pondremos en contacto contigo para concertar una cita en la mayor brevedad posible.
Para consultas sobre Políticas Activas de Empleo y Planes de empleo pincha aquí: